Category: Personal Loans

7 House Buying Tips to Save Money


It’s finally house hunting season and you could not be more excited to get the ball rolling on your big purchase! Before you hit the road or the search bar, take these 7 tips into consideration. 1. Know Your Limits Before signing the papers or falling in love with the first home you see be

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4 Steps to Buying a Home That Won’t Bust Your Budget


It’s that time of year when you’re likely to see ‘for sale’ signs on every block. Maybe you already have your eye on one and go out of your way to drive past it on your way home from work. Before you leap into purchasing a home, be sure to take these four steps before

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5 To-Dos Before Buying a Home


Are you about to begin the hunt for your future home? We understand that the home buying process can become overwhelming, which is why we’d like to offer you a little insight. Start your home buying journey off right by completing this checklist! Strengthen your credit. A 620 FICO score means you can get a

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5 Creative Ways to Save for Your New Home


You’ve made the decision that you are tired of renting and ready to step into the world of home ownership. Good for you! You may be wondering what your next steps should be in order to be financially prepared for this major investment. Here are some creative ways to ramp up your savings for this

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So You’ve Bought Your First Home: Savings 101


Congratulations! You’ve taken a big step in your financial future by purchasing your first home. As a new homeowner, you may be worried about the chunk of change you just spent, and your bank account may be looking a little slim right now. Luckily, Timberwood Bank is here with a few simple saving solutions to

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Tips to Reduce Financial Stress – From Panic to Plan

If you are feeling overwhelmed and losing sleep at night because of your finances, you are not alone. There are many factors that can contribute to financial stress such as: kids, marriage, debt, pregnancy, job status and physical health.  According to the American Psychological Association’s 2015 survey, 64% of stress is attributed to money. If

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The Best Deal for Your Drive

Purchasing a new vehicle is an exciting milestone in your personal finances. Filled with countless decisions, finding the perfect price can at times feel like an uphill battle. Luckily Timberwood Bank is here to help you find the ideal drive while staying between the lines of your budget. If you’re looking for a used vehicle:

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Taking Baby Steps to Eliminate Your Debt

As of 2015, the average American with credit card debt  owes $15,762 – and that’s just credit. Auto loans, student loans, and mortgages add thousands of dollars and years of repayment to your personal finances. However, debt doesn’t have to be a life sentence. Once you and your partner have made the commitment to work

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Mortgage Financing 101: Which type of loan is right for you?

A spacious backyard with a white picket fence. A rustic plot in the country just outside of town. A four-bedroom beauty custom designed by you and your spouse. Whatever your vision, home ownership is a unique and fulfilling adventure! At Timberwood Bank, we offer a variety of mortgage options to help you finance your slice

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To sign or not to sign – Deciding to Co-sign a Loan

Co-signing is an act of great responsibility and trust. This formality of dual liability enables those otherwise unable to attain a loan to gain the financial capabilities they seek. When approached to co-sign for someone you may want to consider the following tips, provided by Timberwood Bank. Look at the relationship you and this person

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